How to Kiss a Girl

How to Kiss a Girl? Kissing Tips and Advice for Guys

Kisses can be exciting, but if it’s your first one, it can seem kind of complicated. What if you bump heads? What if you miss? What if she runs away screaming?
Well, hopefully that last one won’t happen, but this article is going to walk you through the entire process, including tips on how to find alone time and where and how exactly the kiss should happen. Hopefully, this advice will help make your kiss everything you want it to be: enjoyable, cute, and romantic.

19 Steps to a Perfect First Kiss

  1. Check your breath: brush your teeth, chew gum, and avoid strong-smelling foods right before you're planning to kiss someone.
  2. Also, take a shower, wash your hair, and smell nice. Basically—don't be a gross slob. Hygiene is sexy.
  3. Prep your lips. If they're chapped or dry, use some balm to get them kissable.
  4. While alone with her before you kiss, it might be good to compliment her sincerely — tell her something that you love about her. Don't do this just to do it though. Mean what you say. This helps create the right mood and will put the focus on her, which is where it should be.
  5. Start making physical contact before you kiss — lightly touch her shoulder or arm. Holding hands is also great and especially appropriate if she's your girlfriend.
  6. When the moment for the kiss has come, shut up and make eye contact with her. Let the tension of the moment build a little.
  7. Make sure she wants to kiss you. If at any point she seems uncomfortable with you touching her or starts backing away from you, then you should stop.
  8. If things look good, start making your approach. Enter her personal space slowly, but purposefully.
  9. Go in for the kiss with lips slightly parted like you're about to say something. Don't pucker up like grandma.
  10. Tilt your head slightly to avoid collisions. Just a slight tilt will do — most of the time you should tilt to the right, but you should still make sure they're going the opposite way!
  11. Keep your eyes shut while kissing. No one likes opening their eyes and seeing someone staring at them.
  12. As you continue kissing, give soft kisses with a gently open mouth that focus on one lip or the other.
  13. Use your hands wisely. Touch her hair, face, back, neck, and shoulders.
  14. Don't use your tongue immediately. Keep your cool.
  15. When you're ready, slide your tongue in a little bit. Never force it — gentle is the name of the game: a little tongue goes a long way.
  16. Keep the saliva to a minimum. If you need to, take a moment and swallow.
  17. If you are making out, take breathing breaks. You could pull away gently, or take some time to kiss her on the cheek, the ear, or the neck.
  18. Take your time. Don't be in a rush!
  19. After the kiss, smile. You don't need to say anything right away. Just enjoy the moment.


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